lunes, 11 de mayo de 2015


Boooones!!! I ara que arriba el caloret us puc ensenyar el pinafiore reversible que vaig fer l'any passat per la petita.
L'any passat el podia fer servir de vestit, aquest any no, i hauria de servir de camiseta, pero no hi ha hagut forma de fer-li posar uns leggings 3/4 que hi podien anar bé, i ha volgut posar-se mitges... No ho enten que no arribin fins abaix, jajajajaja!!!
A la tarda, com que s'ha escapat un pipi, ens hem kedat sense mitges i l'hem combinat amb uns texans..., tambè queda prou bé...
Les teles són de cotò 100%, i per tant un rotllo de planxar, però queda mono.
L'estampada és de Cal Roca de Vilafranca i la llisa d'una tenda del Vendrell, no me'n recordo del nom, és la única que hi conec i està a la Pl. Pau Casals.

El patrò el vaig treure a partir d'una samarreta seva i seguint les instruccions del blog fantàstic de Naii.
Xulo, oi?

Hi there!
Now that summer is quite close, I can show you a reversible Pinafiore dress that I made last year for A.
Las year it could be used like a dress, but nowadays, it's too short, so that we should use it as a top, completed by leggings or so..., However today there was no way to put her on a 3/4 leggings... and we've had to put on a pair of pants...She doesn't understand that de leggings do not reach all her legs, jajajajaj!!!!
In the afternoon, as she didn't reach the toilet in time, we've had to change the pants for the jeans..., it doesn't look bad neither.
I used 100% cotton clothes for both the dress sides.., therefore it's a hard thing ironing it every time (I deeply hate ironing!), but it looks quite nice.
The printed cloth is from Cal Roca, a shop located in Vilafranca, and the plain is bought in a shop from el Vendrell, which name I don't remember, but it's the only one that I know there, located in Pau Casals Square.

I did my own pattern taking a T-Shirt of A., and following Naiis' blog instructions.

It looks nice, doesn't it?



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